Is it important to soak clay pot before cooking?

Do you have to soak clay pot before cooking?

Whether or not you need to soak a clay pot before cooking depends on the type of clay pot and how you plan to use it.

Unglazed clay pots

are porous and absorb water. Soaking them in water before cooking helps to prevent them from cracking.

 It also helps to distribute the heat more evenly, which results in more evenly cooked food.

Glazed clay pots

are not porous and do not need to be soaked before cooking. 

However, you may want to rinse them with water before using them to remove any dust or debris.

If you are not sure whether or not your clay pot needs to be soaked, it is always best to err on the side of caution and soak it. 

Soaking a clay pot is a simple and easy way to ensure that it lasts for many years to come.

Here are some tips for soaking a clay pot:

- Use cold water. Hot water can cause the clay to crack.

- Soak the pot for at least 15 minutes, but longer is better.

- Allow the pot to air dry completely before using it.

Here are some additional tips for using clay pots:

- Use low to medium heat. High heat can cause the clay to crack.

- Do not add cold food to a hot clay pot. This can cause the pot to crack.

- Do not use metal utensils in a clay pot. This can scratch the surface of the pot.

- Wash the pot with mild soap and water after each use.

- Do not put the pot in the dishwasher.

- Store the pot in a cool, dry place.

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