What's the Pottery Methods And Tools

Pottery Methods And Tools

What's the Pottery Methods And Tools

There are many different methods and tools used in pottery, depending on the specific technique being used. Some of the most common methods include:

Wheel throwing:

This is the process of using a pottery wheel to create a pot by hand. The potter centers the clay on the wheel, then uses their hands to shape it into the desired form.

Hand building:

This is the process of creating a pot by hand, without using a wheel. The potter uses their hands and tools to shape the clay into the desired form.

Slip casting:

This is a process of creating a pot by pouring liquid clay into a mold. The clay then sets in the mold, and the potter removes it once it is dry.

Jiggering and jollying:

These are two methods of creating a pot by pressing it into a mold. In jiggering, the potter uses a tool to press the clay into the mold. In jollying, the potter uses a rotating wheel to press the clay into the mold.

Modeling and sculpting: 

This is the process of creating a pot by modeling it with the hands. The potter uses their hands to shape the clay into the desired form.

Some of the most common tools used in pottery include:

Potter's wheel:

This is a large, rotating wheel that is used to create pots by hand.


This is used to absorb water from the clay during the throwing process.


These are flat, wooden or metal tools that are used to smooth the surface of the clay.


These are used to cut and shape the clay.

Wire cutters:

These are used to cut the clay.

Trimming tools:

These are used to trim the shape of the pot once it has been thrown.

Glaze brushes:

These are used to apply glaze to the pot.


This is a furnace that is used to fire the clay, hardening it into pottery.

These are just a few of the many different methods and tools used in pottery. The specific techniques and tools that are used will vary depending on the potter's individual preferences and the type of pottery they are creating.

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